WOD: Sunday, June 21st, 2020

Warm-up: Group Dynamic

3 Rounds 

  • 300 Meter Run
  • 5 Slow Push Ups
  • 10 Lateral Hops
  • :15s Hollow Hold 


Workout: EMOM x 25 Minutes 

  • Minute 1: Max Double Unders 
  • Minute 2: Max Double Push Up – Burpee
  • Minute 3: Max DB/KB Snatch 
  • Minute 4: Max Ab-Mat Sit Ups 
  • Minute 5: Rest 


  • Minute 1: Max Double Unders 
  • Minute 2: Max Double Push Up – Burpee
  • Minute 3: Max Power Snatch (95/65)
  • Minute 4: Max Ab-Mat Sit Ups 
  • Minute 5: Rest 


  • Workout is a 25 minute EMOM. Each minute will start a new max set of a different movement. Minute 1 you will complete as many double unders as possible. Minute 2 is max double push up-burpee, minute 3 is max db/kb or barbell snatches, minute 4 is max ab-mat sit ups, and minute 5 is a rest minute. 


  • Double Unders – If you have a jump rope but do not posses the skill then complete max single unders. If you dont have a jump rope then complete a max set of jumping jacks. 
  • DB/KB Snatch – Find a weighted object that allows you to complete the movement correctly. 


Core: 4 Rounds

  • 15 V-Ups 
  • 30 Bicycle Crunches