WOD: Saturday, May 9th, 2020 (Burpee Day 97)

Warm-up: Group Dynamic

  • 2 Minutes of movement
  • :20s of high knees, butt kicks, lateral hops
  • PVC (Broomstick) Shoulder/Lat stretch – :30s per side x3


Workout: Every 3 Minutes for 6 Rounds

  • 50 Double Unders
  • 30 Jumping Lunges (15 Per side)
  • Max DB/KB Overhead Squats in remaining time

BARBELL OPTION: Every 3 Minutes for 6 Rounds

  • 50 Double Unders
  • 30 Jumping Lunges (15 Per side)
  • Max Overhead Squats in remaining time (75/55)


  • Workout is 6 – 3 minute intervals with NO rest between the. In those 3 minute intervals you will complete 50 Double Unders, 30 jumping lunges (15 per side), and then as many overhead squats as possible (with DB/KB OR barbell).


  • Double Unders – If you don’t have a rope complete 70 Jumping Jacks instead. If you have a rope but do not have double unders then complete double the number of Single Unders
  • Overhead Squats – These can be done with any object that you can support in a locked out position overhead. You can also use a broomstick!


Core: 4 Rounds

  • 15 Hollow Rocks
  • 30 Flutter Kicks