CFM: Friday, September 22nd, 2017

CFM: Friday, September 22nd, 2017


Warm-up: 500M Row

Then 2 Rounds of Pictionary with a Friend

Pre-Game: 2 Rounds

20 Walking Lunge Steps

30 Second Plank

20 Walking Lunge Steps

30 Second Squat Hold


Workout: 10 Rounds

2-Minutes to Complete:

8 Bar Over Burpees

8 Hang Power Snatches (75/55)

8 Thrusters (75/55)


1-Minute Between Rounds: 20 AbMat Sit-ups


CRx: 95/65


If you fail to complete the work drop by 1-Rep

Fail to Complete the AbMat Sit-ups drop by 5


Score is the Number of Reps per Movement in the final Round

Max Score is 8/25 (Reps/AMSU)


Cardio: 5 Rounds

600M Run (Big Bush after the end of the Side Walk)

17 GHD Sit-ups

30 Double-Unders

10 GHD Sit-ups


Strength: Bench Press

6 Sets of 6

Increasing Weight Each Round


Core: 5 Rounds

15 GHD Sit-ups

15 GHD Back Extensions