WOD: Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Banded Lat Pull Downs – 10 Reps per side
- Banded Shoulder Rotations – 10 Reps per side
- Pigeon Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Pre-Game: 4 Rounds (12 Min Cap)
- 200 Meter Run
- 3 Hang Squat Cleans (ascending weights)
- 3 Strict Pull Ups OR 5 Ring Rows
Workout: AMRAP x 18 Minutes
- 9 Med-Ball Box Step Overs (20/14)(24”/20”)
- 6 Pull Ups
- 3 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95)
*Every 3 Minutes (not including 0:00) complete:
- 100 Meter Run (back stairs)
*Score is total # of rounds + reps completed in 18 Minutes
*RX+: 3 Hang Squat Cleans (155/105)
*CRX: 6 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups / 3 Hang SC (185/115)
Cardio Option: AMRAP x 18 Minutes
- 9 Med-Ball Box Step Overs (20/14)(24”/20”)
- 6 Pull Ups
- 9 KB/DB Goblet Squats (24K/16K)(50/35)
*Every 3 Minutes (not including 0:00) complete:
- 100 Meter Run (back stairs)
Core: 4 Rounds
- 20 Weighted Reach the ceilings (25/15)
- 20 Kick the ceilings
There are currently no active social stickers.