WOD: Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

Warm-up: Group Dynamic

  • Jumping Jacks – 30 Reps 
  • Sumo Inchworm Push Ups – 5-4-3-2-1 Reps 
  • Banded Hamstring Stretch – 1 Minute per side  


Strength: Deadlift (17 Minutes)

4 Sets 

  • Sets 1 and 2: 2 Reps each @ 92% of 1RM 
  • Sets 3 and 4: 1 Rep each @ 95% of 1RM 

*NO Touch n Go for the sets of 2 


Workout: Every 4 Minutes x 4 Rounds 

Round 1 and 3: 

  • 250 Meter Row OR 600 Meter bike 
  • 8 DB Devils Press (50/35) * 4 per side 

-In remaining time complete max reps of: 

  • Toes to Bar 

Round 2 and 4: 

  • 250 Meter Row OR 600 Meter bike 
  • 8 DB Devils Press (50/35) * 4 per side 

-In remaining time complete max reps of: 

  • Box Jumps (30”/24”)

*Two Scores- Total Reps completed for TTB and BJ


Core: 4 Rounds 

  • 15 V-Ups 
  • :30s Side Plank (per side)