WOD: Sunday, September 24th, 2023
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Banded Lat Pull Downs – 10 Reps per side
- Banded Shoulder Rotations – 10 Reps per side
- Couch Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Pre-Game: 3 Rounds
- 200 Meter Run
- 5 Back Squats (ascending weights)
- :10s Chin Over Bar Hold OR Ring Row Hold
*Back squats come from the floor
*Can drop the bar off your back UNLESS its EMPTY!
*Make sure you pick a weight that allows you to safely position the bar
Workout: 5 Intervals (3 Minutes ON / 1 Minute OFF)
- 3 Strict Pull Ups
- 5 Back Squats (115/85)
- 7 Lateral Pogo Burpees
*Pick up where you leave off after rest period
*Score is total # of Rounds + Reps completed across all 5 intervals
Cardio Option: 5 Intervals (3 Minutes ON / 1 Minute OFF)
- 3 Strict Pull Ups
- 5 DB/KB Goblet Squats (50/35)(24K/16K)
- 7 Lateral Pogo Burpees over DB/KB
Core: 4 Rounds
- 15 Ab-Wheels
- 30 Bicycle Crunches
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