WOD: Monday, August 28th, 2023
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Plate Squat Tabata – 2 Minutes
- :20s Bottom of squat hold – :10s of Plate Squats
- Couch Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Strength: Front Squats (17 Minutes)
4 Sets
- Sets 1 and 2: 2 Reps each @ 90% of 1RM
- Sets 3 and 4: 1 Rep each @ 95% of 1RM
*Heavy Week! Make sure you prioritize rest b/w sets
Workout: 4 Intervals (3 Minutes ON / 1 Min OFF)
- 3 Strict Pull Ups
- 6 Alt Front Rack Lunges (95/65)
- 9 Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)
*Pick up where you leave off after rest period
*One score – Total # of Rounds + Reps completed
Cardio Option: 4 Intervals (3 Minutes ON / 1 Min OFF)
- 3 Strict Pull Ups
- 6 Alt DB/KB Lunges (50/35)(24K/16K)
- 9 Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)
Core: 4 Rounds
- 15 V-Ups
- :30s Hollow Hold
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