WOD: Sunday, August 6th, 2023

Warm-up: Group Dynamic 

  • Plank – Shoulder Tap Tabata – 2 Minutes 
  • :20s Plank on hands – :10s of Slow Shoulder Taps 
  • Banded Shoulder Stretch – 1 Minute per side 


Pre-Game: 3 Rounds w/ a Partner 

  • 200 Meter Run 
  • 5 Hang Power Snatches (ascending weights) 
  • :15s Handstand Hold OR Plank on hands 


Workout: Partner AMRAP x 20 Minutes 

Partner A 

  • 200 Meter Run 
  • 5 Handstand Push Ups 
  • 5 Hang Power Snatches (105/75) 

Partner B 

  • Max Calorie Row OR Bike 

*Handstand Push Up Modifications:

  • Plyo Box HSPU (5 Reps)
  • Hand Release Push Ups (10 Reps)

*Once Partner A completes a FULL round partners will then switch 

*ONE machine but can have two barbells

*Run counts as 2 reps for the full 200 

*Two Scores:

  • Total Calories completed amongst both partners 
  • Total Rounds + Reps completed amongst both partners 


Cardio Option: Partner AMRAP x 21 Minutes 

Partner A 

  • 200 Meter Run 
  • 5 Handstand Push Ups
  • 10 DB Hang Snatches (50/35) *5 per side

Partner B 

  • Max Calorie Row OR Bike 

*Once Partner A completes a FULL round partners will then switch 

*Two Scores:

  • Total Calories completed amongst both partners 
  • Total Rounds + Reps completed amongst both partners 


Solo Option: For Time 

5 Rounds 

  • 200 Meter Run 
  • 5 Handstand Push Ups
  • 5 Hang Power Snatches (105/75)


  • (60/45) Calorie Row OR (50/35) Calorie Bike 


Core: 4 Rounds 

  • 20 Alt Single Leg V-Ups 
  • :30s Hollow Hold