WOD: Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 (Burpee Day 17)
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Jumping Jacks – 30 Reps
- Bird Dogs w/ :03s pause per rep – 10 Reps (5 per side)
- Banded Hamstring Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Strength: Clean Complex (17 Minutes)
1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean
- Establish a 1 Rep Max
*Must hang on to the barbell between PC and SC for it to count
Workout: Every 5 Minutes x 3 Rounds
- Buy In: 300 Meter Run
-In remaining time complete AMRAP of:
- 1 Wall Walk
- 3 Deadlifts (115/85)
- 5 Hang Power Cleans (115/85)
*3 Total scores – Rounds + Reps for each interval
*Brand new score for each interval
*CRX: Barbell Weight (155/105)
Wall Walk Scaling Options:
- Shorter distance to wall
- Plyo Box Wall Walk
Cardio Option: Every 5 Minutes x 3 Rounds
- Buy In: 300 Meter Run
-In remaining time complete AMRAP of:
- 1 Wall Walk
- 5 KB Deadlifts (24K/16K)
- 7 Russian KB Swing (24K/16K)
Core: 4 Rounds
- 30 Bicycle Crunches
- :30s Hollow Hold
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