WOD: Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Jumping jacks – 30 Reps
- Cat Camels w/ :03s pause – 10 SLOW Reps (5 per position)
- Banded Shoulder Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Pre-Game: 4 Rounds (12 Min Cap)
- Run to the end of the driveway
- 5 Shoulder to Overhead (ascending weights)
- :15s Hanging Knee Raise Hold
*S2OH can be: strict press, push press, push jerk, split jerk
Workout: For Time
- Buy In: 50 Med-Ball Push Press (20/14)
4 Rounds
- 400 Meter Run
- 10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
- 10 Toes to Bar
- Buy Out: 50 Med-Ball Push Press (20/14)
Cardio Option: For Time
- Buy In: 50 Med-Ball Push Press (20/14)
4 Rounds
- 400 Meter Run
- 12 Burpee-Rage Balls (20/15)
- 10 Toes to Bar
- Buy Out: 50 Med-Ball Push Press (20/14)
Core: 4 Rounds
- 15 Ab-Wheels
- 30 Bicycle Crunches
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