WOD: Wednesday, August 17th, 2022
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Plank – Shoulder Tap Tabata – 2 Minutes
- :20s Plank – :10s of Shoulder Taps
- PVC Lat/Shoulder Stretch – :30s per side x 3
Strength: Snatch (15 Minutes)
- 3 Sets x 3 Reps @ 60% of 1RM
- 2 Sets x 3 Reps @ 70% of 1RM
*Light percentages so really focus on your technique
*If you missed last week then establish a heavy single power or squat snatch
Workout: For Time
- 400 Meter Run
18 – 14 – 12
- Alt DB Power Snatches (50/35)
- Med-Ball Push Press (20/14)
- 200 Meter Run
12 – 14 – 18
- Alt DB Power Snatches (50/35)
- Med-Ball Push Press (20/14)
- 400 Meter Run
Core: 4 Rounds
- 10 Banded Paloff Presses
- 10 Banded Rotations
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