WOD: Monday, August 1st, 2022
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- 2 Minutes of movement
- :20s of high knees, butt kicks, lateral hops
- Banded Lat/Samson Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Pre-Game: 4 Rounds
- (9/7) Calorie Row/Bike/Runner
- 3 Overhead Squats
- 3 Back Squats
- 3 Front Squats
*Increase the weight on the barbell each round
Workout: 3 Intervals (6 Minutes ON / :90s OFF)
Interval 1
- Buy In: (21/18) Calorie Row OR (18/15) Calorie Bike/Runner
-Then in remaining time AMRAP of:
- 7 Toes to Bar
- 7 Med-Ball Box Step Overs (20/14)(24”/20”)
- 7 Overhead Squats (105/75)
-Rest :90s-
Interval 2
- Buy In: (21/18) Calorie Row OR (18/15) Calorie Bike/Runner
-Then in remaining time AMRAP of:
- 7 Toes to Bar
- 7 Med-Ball Box Step Overs (20/14)(24”/20”)
- 7 Back Squats (105/75)
-Rest :90s-
Interval 3
- Buy In: (21/18) Calorie Row OR (18/15) Calorie Bike/Runner
-Then in remaining time AMRAP of:
- 7 Toes to Bar
- 7 Med-Ball Box Step Overs (20/14)(24”/20”)
- 7 Front Squats (105/75)
*3 Seperate Scores – One for each interval
*Both feet must touch top of the box on step overs
*Back Squats and Front Squats come from the floor
Cardio Option: 3 Intervals (6 Minutes ON / :90s OFF)
- Buy In: (21/18) Calorie Row OR (18/15) Calorie Bike/Runner
-Then in remaining time AMRAP of:
- 7 Toes to Bar
- 7 Med-Ball Box Step Overs (20/14)(24”/20”)
- 14 KB Goblet Squats (24K/16K)
Core: 4 Rounds
- 30 CrossBody Mountain Climbers
- :30s Side Plank (per side)
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