WOD: Sunday, February 21st, 2021 (Burpee Day 21)
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Jump Squat Tabata – 2 Minutes
- :20s bottom of squat hold / :10s of jump squats
- Samson Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Pre-Game: 4 Rounds
- 1 Minute Row/Bike/Runner
- 3 Squat Snatches (ascending weights)
*Try a few DB Overhead Lunges during the pre-game to feel out the movement
Workout: For Time
- Buy In: (60/52) Calorie Row OR (52/48) Calorie Bike/Runner
4 Rounds
- 48 Double Unders
- 16 DB Overhead Lunges (50/35)
- 4 Squat Snatches (125/85)
- Buy Out: (60/52) Calorie Row OR (52/48) Calorie Bike/Runner
*DB Overhead Lunge: 8 Reps per side (switch whenever you’d like)
Cardio Option: For Time
- Buy In: (60/52) Calorie Row OR (52/48) Calorie Bike/Runner
4 Rounds
- 48 Double Unders
- 16 DB Overhead Lunges (50/35)
- 16 Med-Ball Jump Squats (20/14)
- Buy Out: (60/52) Calorie Row OR (52/48) Calorie Bike/Runner
Core: 4 Rounds
- 10 Weighted Hanging Knee Raises (20/15)
- :20s Unweighted Hanging Knee Raise Hold
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