WOD: Friday, January 29th, 2021
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Sumo Inchworm Push Ups – 5-4-3-2-1 Reps
- Banded Hamstring Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Strength: Deadlift (15 Minutes)
- 5 Sets x 3 Reps @75-80% of 1 Rep Max
*Can be done as touch n’ go triples or drop singles
Workout: 4 Rounds
- (21/18) Calorie Row/Bike/Runner
- 14 Single Arm Devils Press (50/35)
- 7 Toes 2 Bar
*Rest 1 Minute at the completion of each round
*Score is total time to complete all 4 rounds INCLUDING rest time
*Focus on trying to average the same time per round
*SIngle Arm DP is 7 per side
Endurance: Assault Bike Reverse Tabata
- :10s ON – :20s OFF x 8 Sets
*Goal is to try to sprint the :10s period for as many sets as possible
Core: 5 Rounds
- 15 GHD Sit Ups
- 15 GHD Back Extensions
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