WOD: Wednesday, December 9th, 2020
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Sumo Inchworm Push Ups – 5-4-3-2-1 Reps
- Banded Shoulder Rotations – 10 Reps per side
- Banded Shoulder Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Pre-Game: 9 Minute EMOM
- Min 1: 150 Meter Row OR 300 Meter Bike
- Min 2: 5 Front Squats (ascending weights)
- Min 3: :20s Handstand Hold OR Plank + :03s Negative
Workout: For Time
3 Rounds
- 5 Handstand Push Ups
- 10 Front Squats (125/80)
- (15/10) Calorie Row OR Bike
-Rest 2 Minutes-
3 Rounds
- (15/10) Calorie Row OR Bike
- 10 Front Squats (125/80)
- 5 Handstand Push Ups
*Score for today is total time it takes you to complete all 6 rounds
(including the rest)
*HSPU Scale= Single Arm DB Strict Press – Per side
Cardio Option: For Time
3 Rounds
- 5 Handstand Push Ups
- 15 KB Goblet Squats (24K/16k)
- (15/10) Calorie Row OR Bike
-Rest 2 Minutes-
3 Rounds
- (15/10) Calorie Row OR Bike
- 15 KB Goblet Squats (24k/16k)
- 5 Handstand Push Ups
Core: 4 Rounds
- 10 Banded Paloff Presses
- !0 Banded Rotations
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