WOD: Saturday, November 28th, 2020
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- 2 Minutes of movement
- :20s of high knees, butt kicks, lateral hops
- Samson Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Pre-Game: 4 Rounds
- 100 Meter Run
- 3 Squat Cleans (ascending weight)
- :15s Hollow Hold
Workout: 4 Rounds
- 400 Meter Run
- 12 Alternating Pistol Squats
- 10 Toes 2 Bar
- *8-6-4-2 Squat Cleans
Men Rx (115 – 135 – 155 – 185)
Women Rx (85 – 95 – 105 – 115)
*Pistol Squat Scale = 12 DB/KB Goblet Squats
Cardio Option: 4 Rounds
- 400 Meter Run
- 12 Alternating Pistol Squats
- 10 Toes 2 Bar
- 12 Med-Ball Squat Cleans (20/14)
Core: 4 Rounds
- 30 Mountain Climbers
- :30s Side Plank
*Alternate sides each round
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