WOD: Monday, August 3rd, 2020
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- 2 Minutes of movement
- :20s of high knees, :20s of Jump Squats, :20s Shoulder Taps
- Pigeon Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Workout: Every 3 Minutes x 7 Rounds
- 200 Meter Run
- 20 Mountain Climbers (Per Side)
-in remaining time:
- Max DB/KB Bear Complexes
*Bear Complex- 1 Power Clean, 1 Thruster, 1 Back Squat, 1 Thruster
BARBELL OPTION: Every 3 Minutes x 7 Rounds
- 200 Meter Run
- 20 Mountain Climbers (Per Side)
-in remaining time:
- Max Bear Complexes (95/65)
*Bear Complex- 1 Power Clean, 1 Thruster, 1 Back Squat, 1 Thruster
- Workout for today is 7 total rounds with a round starting every 3 minutes. You will begin each 3 minute period with a 200 meter run. After completing the run you will move into 20 mountain climbers per side (40 total). Whatever time is left over after completing the run and mountain climbers you will go for as many bear complexes (DB/KB OR Barbell).
- 200 Meter Run – If you have not mapped out the 200 meter distance then complete a 1 minute run (:30s from your start point and :30s back). If you do not have access to run then complete 100 High knees.
- DB/KB Bear Complex – Find a weighted object that you can complete all the movements in the complex.
Core: 4 Rounds
- 20 Reach the Ceilings
- 20 Kick the Ceilings
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