WOD: Tuesday, July 14th, 2020
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Inchworm Walk Outs – 5 SLOW Reps
- PVC (Broomstick) pass through – 15 SLOW Reps
- Wall Hinge – 1:30 Hold
Workout: EMOM x 20 Minutes
- Min 1: Max reps of DB/KB Sumo DL High Pulls
- Min 2: Max reps of Double Unders
- Min 3: Max reps of Hand Release Push Ups
- Min 4: Rest
- Min 1: Max reps of Sumo DL High Pulls (75/55)
- Min 2: Max reps of Double Unders
- Min 3: Max reps of Hand Release Push Ups
- Min 4: Rest
- Workout today is in an emom format for 20 minutes. Each minute the movement will change with the 4th minute being a rest. You will go for max reps of each movement within the minute and then you will rotate. Minute 1 you will go for as many reps as possible of sumo deadlift high pulls (DB/KB OR Barbell). Minute 2 you will go for max reps of double unders. Minute 3 is max reps of hand release push ups. Minute 4, again, is a rest minute. Continue this for 20 total minutes (5 Rounds).
- DB/KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls – Find a weighted object that allows you to complete the movement correctly. Best thing that I have found is a weighted book bag.
- Double Unders – If you have a jump rope but do not possess the double under skill then complete single unders instead. If you do not have a jump rope then complete max jump squats instead.
Core: 4 Rounds
- 30 Rusian Twists
- 30 Hollow Rocks
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