WOD: Sunday, July 5th, 2020 (Parking lot WOD at 9 am!)
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Jumping Jacks – 30 Reps
- Sumo Inchworm Push Ups – 5-4-3-2-1 Reps
- Pigeon Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Workout: AMRAP x 22 Minutes
- 3 Push Up-Shoulder Taps
- 6 DB/KB Hang Power Snatch (Per side)
- 9 Box Jumps
- 300 Meter Run
*Push Up – Shoulder Tap = 1 Push Up + 2 Shoulder Taps
- 3 Push Up-Shoulder Taps
- 6 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
- 9 Box Jumps
- 300 Meter Run
- Workout is 22 minutes long. You will complete as many rounds as possible in those 2 minutes. One full round is 3 Push Up-Shoulder taps, 6 Hang Power Snatches (DB/KB OR Barbell), 9 Box Jumps, and a 300 meter run.
- . DB/KB Hang Power Snatch – Find a weighted object to complete this movement.
- Box Jumps – Find an object that you can jump on or over. A flower pot, staircase, stool, chair, etc.
- 300 Meter Run – If you have not mapped out your 300 meter distance then complete a :45s run away from your start point and a :45s run back. If you do not have access to running then complete 150 high knees.
Core: 5 Rounds
- 15 V-Ups
- 15 Hollow Rocks
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