WOD: Monday, April 20th, 2020 (Burpee Day 78)

Warm-up: Group Dynamic

  • Jumping Jacks – 30 Reps
  • PVC (Broomstick) Lat Stretch – :30s per side x 3


Workout: 4 Rounds

  • 8 DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerks (Right Side)
  • 8 Burpees Over the DB/KB
  • 8 DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerks (Left Side)
  • 400 Meter Run


4 Rounds

  • 16 Hang Clean and Jerks (95/65)
  • 8 Burpees Over Bar
  • 400 Meter Run


  • Workout starts with 8 DB/KB Clean and Jerks on your right side, into, 8 Burpees over your DB/KB – 8 DB/KB Hang Clean and jerks on your left side, and finishes with a 400 meter run. Complete that cycle 4 times. The workout finishes on a run.


  • DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerks – any object that you can swing in between your legs to your shoulders and press will work. If you have no equipment around, complete these with hand release push ups instead.
  • 400 Meter Run – if you have not mapped out a 400 meter distance then complete a 2 minute run (1 minute away from your workout area and 1 minute back). If you do not have the option to run then complete 100 High Knees per round. If you own a rower complete the meters on the rower.


Core: 5 Rounds

  • 15 Long Sit Ups
  • 30 Flutter Kicks