WOD: Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 (Burpee Day 60)

Warm-up: Group Dynamic

  • Sumo Inchworm Push Ups – 5-4-3-2-1 Reps
  • Frog Stretch – 2 Minutes


Workout: Every 4 Minutes for 6 Rounds (24 Minutes)

400 Meter Run, followed by, max reps

  • Rounds 1 and 4: Max Devils Press 
  • Rounds 2 and 5: Max Sit Ups
  • Rounds 3 and 6: Max Weighted Lunges 



  • Workout is 6 rounds and each round is 4 minutes of work. For the first round you will complete a 400 meter run (see modifications) and then max devils presses in the remaining time. Once 4 minutes is up you will head back out for another 400 meter run but this time followed by max sit ups. Round 3 is a 400 meter run followed by max weighted lunges. Round 4 starts back over with another 400 meter run and max devils presses, round 5 max sit ups, and finally round 6 is another round of max weighted lunges. 



  • 400 meter Run- complete a 1 minute run away from your start point and then return back (2 minutes of running), can also modify it to 100 High Knees. 
  • Devils Press- this movement can be modified to a simple bodyweight burpee. 
  • Weighted Lunges- find an object around your house with some weight to it. If there is nothing available, complete this with just bodyweight lunges.