Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Plate Squat Tabata – 2 Minutes
- :20s bottom of squat hold – :10s of Plate Squats
- Pigeon Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Strength-Endurance: EMOM x 10 Minutes (5 Rounds)
- Odd Min: (14/10) Cal Row/Ski OR (10/7) Cal Runner/Bike
- Even Min: 6 Alt Front Rack Lunges
*Bar can come from the rack or from the floor
*Athletes choice on weight
*Must be done in unbroken sets of 6
Workout: 3 Rounds For Time
- 500 Meter Row OR 1200 Meter Bike
40 – 30 – 20
20 – 20 – 20
- 500 Row OR 1200 Bike – 40 WB – 20 BJO
- 500 Row OR 1200 Bike – 30 WB – 20 BJO
- 500 Row OR 1200 Bike – 20 WB – 20 BJO
Core: 5 Rounds
- 15 GHD Sit Ups
- 15 GHD Back Extensions
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