WOD: Saturday, June 15th, 2019
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Group Jog – 3 Laps
- Sumo Inchworm Push Ups – 5-4-3-2-1 Reps
- Wrist Stretch – :30s per side x 3
Pre Game: 4 Rounds (12 Minute Cap)
- 150 Meter Row OR 100 Meter Runner
- 3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Shoulder to Overhead (ascending weights)
- :15s Hanging Knee Raise Hold
Workout: For Time
- Hang Power Cleans (115/85)
- Shoulder to Overhead (115/85)
- Toes 2 Bar
*After each round complete a 300 Meter Run
Cardio Option: For Time
- American KB Swings (24k/16k)
- Burpees
- Toes 2 Bar
*After each round complete a 300 Meter Run
Strength: Bench Press
- 4 sets x 8 Reps @65-70%
*Reps should be done as fast as possible
Core: 5 Rounds
- 15 V-Ups
- 30 Muffin Toppers (35/25)
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