WOD: Saturday, October 27th, 2018
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Group Jog – 3 Laps
- PVC Pass Throughs – 15 Reps
- Frog Stretch – 1:30 Hold
Pre-game: 4 Rounds
- Run the stairs
- 3 Thrusters (ascending weights)
- :10s Active Hang from pull up bar
Workout: For Time
- (42/36) Calorie Row/Bike/Runner
- 21 Thrusters (95/65)
- 21 Pull ups
- (30/24) Calorie Row/Bike/Runner
- 15 Thrusters (115/85)
- 15 Pull ups
- (18/12) Calorie Row/Bike/Runner
- 9 Thrusters (135/95)
- 9 Pull ups
*CRX: (21 Pull ups, 15 Chest to bar pull ups, 9 Bar Muscle ups)
Cardio Option: For Time
- (42/36) Calorie Row/Bike/Runner
- 36 Med Ball Cleans (20/14)
- 21 Pull ups
- (30/24) Calorie Row/Bike/Runner
- 24 Med Ball Cleans (20/14)
- 15 Pull ups
- (18/12) Calorie Row/Bike/Runner
- 12 Med Ball Cleans (20/14)
- 9 Pull ups
Strength: Bench Press
- Build to a one rep max bench press
Core: 4 Rounds
- 15 Ab-Wheels
- :30s Superman Hold
There are currently no active social stickers.