WOD: Friday, July 20th, 2018
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- 2 Minutes of Movement
- :20s of High knees, butt kicks, PVC lateral hops
- Tempo Push ups – 10 SLOW Reps
- Pigeon Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Strength: Split Jerk (12-15 Minutes)
- 5 sets x 2 Reps @80% of 1-Rep Max
Workout: “Chipper” For Time
- 500-400-300-200-100 Meter Run
- 50-40-30-20-10 Weighted Switches (35/25)
- 15-12-9-6-3 Thrusters (105/70)
*Weighted switches can be done with a DB, KB, or plate
Cardio Option: 4 Rounds
- 400 Meter Run
- 20 GHD Sit ups
- 200 Meter Run
- 10 Burpees
Core: 5 Rounds
- 15 GHD Sit ups
- 15 GHD Back extensions
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