WOD: Thursday, April 19th, 2018 (Burpee Day 75)
Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- Arm Circles Tabata – 2 Minutes (alt big, small, and directions)
- Toe Touches – 10 SLOW reps
- Banded Hamstring Stretch – 1 Minute Per side
Strength: Deadlift (10-12 Minutes)
- 5 Sets x 5 Reps @70% of 1-Rep max
Workout: AMRAP 15 Minutes
- 30 Switches
- 5 Hang DB Clean and Jerks Right Arm (50/35)
- 10 Pull ups
- 5 Hang DB Clean and Jerks Left Arm (50/35)
*Clean and jerks can also be done with a KB (24k/16k)
Endurance: Rowing Sprints
- 5 sets x 200 meters as fast as possible, Rest 1 Minute
Core: 4 Rounds
- 15 Evil Wheels
- :30 Hollow Hold
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