WOD: Saturday, December 30th, 2017

Warm-up: Group Dynamic

  • 2 minutes of continuous movement
  • 1 min alt b/w high knees and butt kicks
  • 1 min alt b/w big and small arm circles
  • Snatch progressions with PVC/Barbell


Strength: Snatch

  • Build to a heavy single snatch for today, this can be power or squat


Workout: 7 Rounds

  • 35 Double Unders
  • 21 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 7 Snatches (take 70-80% of strength portion and use that weight)

*If you chose power in the strength, do these snatches as power and vice versa for squat snatch


Endurance: Assault bike challenge from Friday

  • 3 Rounds
  • 1 min Bike (moderate pace)
  • 1 min Wall-sit
  • Rest 3 min b/w rounds


Core: 4 Rounds

  • 20 Rocky Style sit ups
  • 20 Muffin Toppers (25/15)