CFM: Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

CFM: Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017


Warm-up: 2 Rounds

1-Minute Jump Rope

16 Jumping Jacks

8 Rig Squats

Pre-Game: 4 Rounds

4 Drop-Single Deadlifts (Ascending Weights)

8 AbMat Sit-ups

12 Plate Squats (25/15)


Workout: 12-Minute AMRAP

6 Deadlifts (225/135)

12 Wallballs (20/14)

6 Burpee Toes to Bar


Strength: Tabata

Dumbbell Push Press (2 Dumbbells)

Score the lowest Round


Core: 3 Rounds

60 Second Plank

30 Hollow Rocks