CFM: Sunday, June 18th, 2017

CFM: Sunday, June 18th, 2017


Warm-up: 2 Rounds

200M Row

10 Wall Squats

5 PVC Pass Throughs Face Down on the Floor


Pre-Game: 4 Rounds

20 Long Sit-ups

400M Run


Workout: 4 Rounds

40 Dumbbell Snatches (35/25)

30 Push Press Wallballs* (20/14)

20 Step-ups onto a 20” Box (Single 35/25 Dumbbell)

10 Burpees Laterally Over the Wallball


CRx: 50/35 DB & 30/20 Wallball

* Squat to Jerk depth


Strength: Stones

30 Second Hold

For Max Weight


Core: 210 Second 6” Leg Lift

Yup….that’s it