CFM: Friday, June 16th, 2017
CFM: Friday, June 16th, 2017
Warm-up: 500M Row
Then Yodel
Pre-Game: 5-Minutes
30 Second Squat Hold
20 Switches
30 Second Plank
10 AbMat Sit-ups
Workout: 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
Rounds of Mindy*
AFTER Each Round
15 Ground to Overheads (95/65)
* Round of Mindy: 5 Pull-ups / 10 Push-ups / 15 AbMat Sit-ups
Cardio: 5 Rounds
500M Run
15 GHD Sit-ups
40 Double-Unders
10 GHD Sit-ups
Strength: Beach Body Day
5 Rounds
10 Bench Presses (Unbroken Sets)
16 Dumbbell Curls
Core: 5 Rounds
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 GHD Back Extensions
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