Warm-up: Group Dynamic
- 2 Minutes of movement
- :20s of high knees, lateral hops, air squats
- Couch Stretch – 1 Minute per side
Pre-Game: 3 Rounds (12 Min Cap)
- (9/7) Calorie Row/Ski/Bike
- 3 Hang Power Cleans (ascending weights)
- 3 Front Squats (ascending weights)
Workout: AMRAP x 18 Minutes
- Max Calorie Row/Ski OR Bike
-Every 3 Minutes (not including 0:00) complete:
- 3 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
- 5 Front Squats (135/95)
*HPC and FS should take NO LONGER than 1:30
*Score is total # of calories accumulated in 18 mins
Cardio Option: AMRAP x 18 Minutes
- Max Calorie Row/Ski OR Bike
-Every 3 Minutes (not including 0:00) complete:
- 5 Russian KB Swings (24K/16K)
- 10 KB Goblet Squats (24K/16K)
Core: 4 Rounds
- 30 Flutter Kicks
- :30s Hollow Hold
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