CFM: Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

CFM: Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017


Warm-up: 300M Row

Followed but 2 Rounds:

10 Deck Squats

10 Push-ups


Pre-Game: 6-Minute EMOM

Even: 40 Seconds Row/Bike

Odd: 8 Toes to Bar


Workout: 17-Minute AMRAP

200M Run

30 Double-Unders

3 Front Squats: NO RACK


Max Starting Weight: 50% of 1-Rep Max

Max Increment: 10% of 1-Rep Max


Extra Endurance: 3 Rounds (No Rest)

40 Switches

400M Run


Core: 3 Rounds

25 Long Sit-ups

25 Leg Overs