CFM: Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

CFM: Wednesday, April 26th, 2017


Warm-up: 2 Rounds

200M Row

10 Push-ups

10 PVC Pass Throughs


Pre-Game: 5-Minute AMRAP

3 Deadlifts (135/85)

7 AbMat Sit-ups

21 Switches (annoying right)


Add DL weight at your discretion


Workout: 18-Minute AMRAP

200M Run

5 Double Taps (T2B + CTB)

5 Deadlifts


Max Starting Weight: 185/115

Max Increment: 50#

Done for Max Weight (Can be singles, but must do 5)


Strength: Strict Press

From the Ground

Sets of 3 – Heavy but not Maximal


Core: 5 Rounds

16 Plate Rainbows

16 Muffin Toppers (Same Plate)