CFM: Thursday, March 30th, 2017
CFM: Thursday, March 30th, 2017
Warm-up: 2 Rounds
200M Row
16 Walking Lunge Steps
8 Hanging Knee Raises
Pre-Game: 7-Minute AMRAP
3 Muscle Snatches (Ascending Weights)
6 Atomic Sit-ups
12 Switches
Workout: 3 – 6 – 9 – 12 – 15 – 18 (12-Minute Cap)
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps (30/24)
Power Snatches (105/70)
Endurance: The Pool
Immediately After the Workout
Clean up when you return
Core: 4 Rounds
15 Touch the Ceiling
15 Kick the Ceiling
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