CFM: Tuesday, February 14th, 2017 (Burpee Day = 78)
CFM: Tuesday, February 14th, 2017 (Burpee Day = 78)
Warm-up: 2 Rounds
200M Row
10 Rig Squats
10 Calf Stretches (you choose the style)
Pre-Game: 8-Minute EMOM
Even: 40 Unbroken Double Unders
Odd: 5 Power Cleans and Push Presses (95/65)
Workout: 4 Rounds / 1-Minute Rest Between Rounds
5 – 1
Power Snatches (115/75)
Bar Facing Burpees
Strength: 21 Power Cleans (145/90)
Drop Singles
Alternating Sides of the Bar (Each Lift Should Be Clean)
Option 2, Alternate Singles with a Partner
Core: 5 Rounds
15 V-Ups
30 Second Weighted Elbow Planks (25/15)
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