CFM: Wednesday, January 25th, 2016 (Burpee Day = 58)

CFM: Wednesday, January 25th, 2016 (Burpee Day = 58)


Warm-up: 2 Rounds

1-Minute Jump Rope

12 Back Rolls

8 PVC Pass Throughs


Pre-Game: 2 Rounds (7-Minute Cap)

20 Calories on the Rower or Bike

15 Push-ups

10 Strict Chin-ups

5 Burpees


Workout: 80 – 60 – 40 – 20



500M Run Between Rounds


Men: 10 / 14 / 20 / 30

Women: 8 / 10 / 14 / 20


Strength: Deadlifts

Immediately Following:

30 Deadlifts (225/135)


You WILL be fatigued: Practice Safely and Effectively Moving the Weight


Core: 4 Rounds

20 AbMat Sit-ups

30 Second Plank