CFM: Tuesday, January 17th, 2017 (Burpee Day = 50)

CFM: Tuesday, January 17th, 2017 (Burpee Day = 50)


Warm-up: 2 Rounds

200M Row

16 Walkling Lunge Steps

12 Back Rolls


Pre-Game: 6-Minutes EMOM

40 Double Unders + 5 Squat Cleans (95/65)


Workout: Complete Rounds ONLY

6-Minute AMRAP

6 Front Squats (165/100)

12 Toes to Bar


Rest 1-Minute


5-Minute AMRAP

5 Front Squats (165/100)

10 Toes to Bar


Rest 1-Minute


4-Minute AMRAP

4 Front Squats (165/100)

8 Toes to Bar



Front Squats (115/75)

Weighted AbMat Sit-ups (15/10)


Gymnastics: 50 Burpees

IMMEDIATELY Following the Workout

As Fast As Possible


Core: 3 Rounds (You’ve Already Done a Ton of Core)

30 Russian Twists

60 Second Planks