WOD: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 (Burpee Day 122)

Warm-up: Group Dynamic

  • 2 Minutes of movement
  • :20s of high knees, butt kicks, lateral hops
  • Couch Stretch – 1 Minute per side


Workout: 5 Rounds (3 Minutes ON / 1 Minute OFF)

  • 10 DB/KB Lunges (5 per side)
  • 10 DB/KB Deadlifts (5 per side)
  • 10 DB/KB Goblet Squats

*Pick up where you left off last round

BARBELL OPTION: 5 Rounds (3 Minutes ON / 1 Minute OFF)

  • 10 Front Rack Lunges (75/55)
  • 10 Deadlifts (75/55)
  • 10 Front Squats (75/55)

*Lunges are 5 per side


  • Workout is 5 rounds of 3 minutes of work and 1 minute of rest. During those 3 minutes you will complete as many rounds as possible of 10 Lunges (DB/KB OR Barbell), 10 DB/KB Swings OR 10 Deadlifts, and 10 Squats (DB/KB OR Barbell). You will then rest 1 minute and repeat that by picking up where you left off.


  • DB/KB Lunges – Find a weighted object that you can hold while you complete the lunge motion.
  • DB/KB Deadlifts – Find a weighted object that you can pick up from the floor and return it back in the deadlift motion. This could be a bookbag.
  • DB/KB Goblet Squats – Find a weighted object that you can hold while you squat. Bookbag or a case of water work perfectly.


Core: 4 Rounds

  • 15 V-Ups
  • :30s Hollow Hold